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A Letter From Our Founder

Dear Friends,

I am a woman journeying toward the next best thing life and God has in store for me. My story is ever-evolving as I navigate through life, having worn many hats and played numerous roles. Domestic abuse was a devastating force that shattered me. I was left numb, angry, and hurting, disconnected from my mind and body. Yet, somehow, I survived. And not only did I survive, but I thrived.

I won't tell you it was easy, because it wasn't. It was the hardest battle of my life. But I can affirm that thriving after trauma is possible.

Healing from trauma is not a one-size-fits-all process, but some strategies have helped me on my journey. Here are a few tips that might assist you on your path to thriving:

  1. Embrace Your Journey: Acknowledge both your pain and your strength. Allow yourself to feel, hurt, and heal at your own pace. Resilience is built step by step, and each small victory is a testament to your strength.
  2. Seek Support: Healing is not a solitary journey. Surround yourself with those who understand and support you. Whether it’s friends, family, or a support group, community can be a powerful source of comfort and encouragement.
  3. Nurture Yourself: Prioritize your well-being, including mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Find what makes you feel whole and pursue it with passion.
  4. Focus on Growth: Life has taught me how to be an entrepreneur despite all the challenges. Dare to be happy, to love again, and to thrive. Each challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow. Embrace the lessons and continue to move forward.

At Three Generations, we are dedicated to mentoring and coaching those who envision themselves living their dreams and goals after trauma. By nurturing ourselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially, we set the stage for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren to thrive.

If you seek connection with others who have faced similar experiences or desire support and guidance on your healing journey, Three Generations can help.

I believe that each generation should surpass the last. I am committed to helping women of all ages thrive after trauma, become the best versions of themselves, and set the stage for future generations to do the same.

We must learn from the past, engage with the present, and dream of the future. Together, we can leave the world a little better than we found it.

With hope and determination,

Yvette Adams

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