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Privacy Policy

The nature of our work is confidential and private. Please note that Three Generations does not utilize your email address for any other purpose than to respond to your email inquiry regarding services, donating, or partnerships. We may also notify you if there was a privacy breach where our servers were hacked. Your email address and any other personally identifiable information are kept confidential by Three Generations in the manner outlined below. They will not be disclosed to any person or entity for any reason without your written, informed consent unless Three Generations is compelled to provide it by court order, and only then after using the full extent of the legal system to resist disclosure (i.e., utilizing a motion to quash). Please see below for further explanation.

Protecting Your Information

Personal Information

Three Generations staff, volunteers, contract attorneys, and programmers may have access to your personal information. Our confidentiality policy binds all of them. For these purposes, “personal information” means the identity of the person seeking services (“User”) through Three Generations or the identity of any person(s) whose name is mentioned within the User’s email inquiry made to Three Generations’ services; the age, number of children, physical address, IP address, email address, or any other information that could identify the User.

Three Generations will not share the information mentioned above with anyone other than those noted above without written, informed, and time-limited consent to release information. Three Generations does share, however, with its funders or others, a tally (total) of the number of the general topic areas that were addressed in the email correspondence (e.g., emergency assistance, coaching, support meetings, etc.), the language in which the email inquiry was written (i.e., Spanish or English), and the following self-identifying characteristics that users of Three Generations’ services may share: the income level, gender, race/ethnic identity, education level, age, and the User’s state. This information, however, is shared only in the aggregate and is never associated with a specific User or that User’s IP address or email address. In addition, Three Generations may utilize information from inquiries – either the User’s submission or the User’s reply to thank Three Generations Social Media Community – for our social media posts or in reports submitted to a current or potential funder to show the type of inquiries that we address or to show how Three Generations’ services help its users. However, Three Generations strips out any personally identifiable information (such as the User’s name, age, and location) and any details that may potentially identify the User (such as unique descriptors of the abusive partner or special attributes of a court case).

Another step that Three Generations takes to safeguard Users’ personally identifiable information is that 90 days after the last contact between an Email Emergency Assistance User and Three Generations, the User’s “secure account” that was created on the Three website and all of the information related to the User’s use of Three Generations’ services is automatically deleted and purged from the server. The deleted information includes but is not limited to the User’s name, IP address, email address, Emergency Assistance inquiries, and Three Generations’ response(s). We do not delete the state that Three Generations’ services User indicated or the answers to the demographic questions that the User may have provided. However, all other identifying information related to these pieces of stored data is completely removed. If consecutive conversations occur within the same account, the stored information will not be deleted until the most recent contact is at least 90 days old.

Information We Collect and How We Use It

We collect and store information that you voluntarily provide to us as well as data related to your use of the Site and Services, as follows:

Log Data / Cookies

When you visit, we automatically collect certain information and analytical data related to your use of the Site and Services through a program called Google Analytics.™ Google Analytics collects information such as users’ IP address (which contains location information), how often users visit this site, what pages they visit when they do so, and what other sites they were using before coming to the site.

Three Generations uses this information to monitor and analyze the use of the site and to know which legal topics are most often accessed, to increase our site’s functionality and user-friendliness, to tailor it to our visitors’ needs better, and for the site’s technical administration. Log data or any information we access through Google Analytics will not be compared, associated, or combined with Personal Information you share; however, log data, such as IP address, may be personally identifiable information.

Although Google Analytics plants a persistent cookie on your web browser to identify you as a unique user, the cookie cannot be used by anyone but Google (not Three Generations). Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to the site is restricted by Google Analytics Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Three Generations’ Privacy Policy does not cover using cookies or tracking technologies by Google Analytics or any other business partner. Google Analytics makes its policies regarding confidentiality, information usage, and sharing of IP addresses it logs. To read the privacy policy of Google Analytics, please go to their website here:

Suppose you do not want your IP address logged by Google Analytics when using In that case, you may want to use a computer at a public library or other location not affiliated with your personal computer’s IP address.

The Three Generations and Email Hotline websites use session cookies, allowing visitors to customize their experience by selecting their state and language preferences. These session cookies expire when the User closes the browser and are not stored on the User’s hard drive once the browser is closed. Session cookies are not logged onto our servers and contain no personally identifiable information. Other than this feature, our website makes no use of cookies.

Log Data

Three Generations shares log data information, such as those statistics gathered through Google Analytics, with third parties for industry analysis, grant reporting, and other purposes. However, we will not compare, associate, or combine log data with your personal information. Note that specific log data, such as IP addresses, may be personally identifiable.

Compliance with Laws and Law Enforcement

We may disclose your information to the government, law enforcement, or other parties when appropriate to protect our rights, to cooperate in investigations of fraud or other illegal or inappropriate activity, or if compelled by court order, though only after using the full extent of the legal system to resist disclosure (i.e., utilizing a motion to quash).

We will make reasonable efforts to contact the Three Generations’ services user or the Three Generations website user before providing information to the party that requests it. We will also make all reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of a domestic abuse survivor’s personal information, if known to us as such, according to our obligations under confidentiality laws.

Your Rights

Opting Out

Although Three Generations’ services request personal information, such as your state, first name, and email address, you cannot provide the requested information and submit a question/inquiry through Three Generations’ services. If you choose not to provide your email address, you can only access/reach out to us on our social media platforms through email.

Links to Other Sites

Our site includes links to other websites (“third-party websites”). The fact that we link to a website is not an endorsement, authorization, or representation of an affiliation with that third party, nor is it an endorsement of that third party’s privacy or information security policies or practices.

We do not exercise control over third-party websites. These websites may place cookies or other files on your computer, collect data, or solicit personal information. Please be aware that when you enter a third-party website, any information you provide is subject to the terms of use and privacy policy.

Policy Changes

Unless stated otherwise, our current policy applies to all information we collect about you through the Three Generations website and Services.

Contact Information

To contact us with your questions or comments regarding this Policy or the information collection and dissemination practices of the Site and Services, please get in touch with us at:

Telephone: 803-368-4037

Email: Contact Us



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